Faculty Retirement Information

Retirement Process and Procedures

The retirement process varies according to whether you have made special arrangements with your Department or Unit prior to your retirement. Click the bars below to see more information according to your circumstances.

If you are not using a pre-retirement agreement

If you have not made special arrangements with your Department or Unit prior to your retirement, follow the steps below:

  • The faculty member meets with a benefits office staff member to discuss retirement eligibility, income options, benefits coverage, required paperwork, post-retirement employment constraints, and the optimum date of retirement. A letter regarding the meeting is sent by the benefits office staff member to the department chair/unit head of the faculty member's tenure home.
  • The faculty member notifies the department chair / unit head of his or her intent to retire, using a letter following this form.
  • The chair signs the retirement letter and forwards it with the benefits letter to the dean. (When the faculty member has a joint appointment, all participating chairs and deans must sign the retirement letter.)
  • The dean signs the retirement letter, thus creating a binding agreement between the faculty member and the University.

Note: A faculty member may not be rehired by the University for at least 45 calendar days after his or her effective retirement date.

If you are using a pre-retirement agreement

If you have have special arrangements with your Department or Unit prior to your retirement, follow the steps below:

  • The faculty member meets with a benefits office staff member to discuss retirement eligibility, income options, benefits coverage, required paperwork, post-retirement employment constraints, and the optimum date of retirement. A letter regarding the meeting is sent by the benefits office staff member to the department chair/unit head of the faculty member's tenure home.
  • The chair/unit head in the faculty member's tenure home records all negotiated special arrangements during the pre-retirement period in a draft of the Resignation and Retirement Agreement. Click here to download a template for the agreement. If a joint appointment is involved, the proposal should also have the consent of the unit head of the secondary unit. Should the agreement include a change from an academic year to a fiscal year appointment and/or raises, the agreement must incorporate specific additional duties justifying these changes.
  • The draft Retirement Agreement is then given to the faculty member, who has 21 days to sign and return it to the chair / unit head.
  • The chair signs the retirement agreement and forwards it with the benefits letter to the dean. (When the faculty member has a joint appointment, all participating chairs and deans must sign the retirement agreement.)
  • The dean signs the retirement agreement, thus creating a binding agreement between the faculty member and the University.

Note: A faculty member may not be rehired by the University for at least 45 calendar days after his or her effective retirement date.

Click here for information about Transitional Terminal Leave.

Granting of Emeritus/a Status

Retiring faculty, agents, and librarians who are tenured or have permanent status and have been employed at the University for at least ten years are eligible for nomination to Emerita/Emeritus status. To be granted the title, a modified APT process ending in the approval of the President is required. Click here for more information.

University Retirement Plans and Retiree Services

University Human Resources has a useful webpage with information about retirement planning. Other Human Resources webpages provide information about how to select a retirement program, a description of the different plans, and information about campus services available to retirees.