Faculty Mentoring

Advancing Professional Track Faculty

ADVANCING Professional Track Faculty is a year-long peer network for professional track faculty, designed to provide opportunities for professional growth. This peer network aims to expand on-campus professional networks and community; offer knowledge, concrete examples and models; and enhance the sense of agency faculty feel toward their work and career advancement at the University of Maryland. Click here to review the call for participation.

Advancing Faculty Diversity

The Advancing Faculty Diversity program is a year-long research career development and leadership training program for full-time assistant and associate faculty of color at the University of Maryland. Click here to review the call for participation.

Leadership Fellows Program

The Leadership Fellows Program is a year-long leadership development program for UMD faculty which aims to grow local faculty leadership talent through on-campus peer networks, professional development, and mentoring. Key aspects of the program include a year-long series of monthly professional development seminars, mentoring conversations with current UMD administrators, and individual career planning exercises. Click here to review the call for participation.

Did You Know

University Policy requires that within a tenure-track faculty member's first semester, chairs should:

  • Provide each new faculty member with a copy of the unit's Criteria for Promotion / Tenure, and to review those criteria in a personal meeting with new faculty.
  • Provide each new faculty member with a copy of the Guidelines for Appointment, Promotion, and Tenure
  • Assign one or more senior faculty members to mentor each new faculty member.

Other requirements for chairs, related to mentoring:

  • Provide for the mentoring of each Associate Professor, if desired by the faculty member.
  • Oversee development and implementation of unit's mentoring plan, to be filed with the Office Faculty Affairs. Click here for example criteria for mentoring plans. Click here to see a sample plan.

Additional Information