Syllabus Guidelines

University policies regarding the content of syllabi for undergraduate courses have recently changed, while policies regarding graduate level courses have not changed. Click here for a summary of the changes in the policy. The information below represents requirements and recommendations for undergraduate course syllabi, including the policy changes, but this information may be considered as best practice for a syllabus on any level.

Instructors are required to make a complete course syllabus available on the first day of class, containing the information noted in the three sections below. There is no requirement that the syllabus be printed. Any changes to the syllabus made after the first day of class must be announced and must be clearly represented with the date of the revision.

Also see Useful Information for Preparing the Syllabus and the TLTC's Syllabus Guidance & Template page.

Course Information

Course Description, Goals, and Expectations

University Policies and Resources

Course Procedures and Policies